So this season of Grey's Anatomy just leaves something to be desired. The writing is a bit off-the-wall....like what's up with the interns operating on themselves?!?! And I really don't get the whole concept of Denny coming back from the dead and then having sex with Izzie...WTF??? And Callie's quasi-lesbian affair with Dr. Haan??? What the hell is going on this season? It's like the writers all sat around and dropped acid tabs and ripped beer bongs together! This type of shizzit doesn't happen in the real-world and certainly not within the confines of a respectable hospital. Yet, this is Hollywood and they could give 2 craps about the real-world, as long as ratings are good! Check out full episodes here.
On a brighter note, Dr. McSteamy Eric Dane is still as Smoldering HOT as ever!!!

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