Personally one of my FAVORITE shows on television!!!
ABC's award-winning drama Brothers and Sisters graces our television sets every Sunday at 10pm. The show details the crazy lives of the Walker clan, a modern family led by its matriarch Nora, played by the talented Sally Field. The father William Walker had passed away prior to the show's start, and left his family with a slew of messes to clean up, including a struggling business and illegitimate children all over the place. Aside from the mancandy in the show (Dave Annable, Matthew Rhys, Rob Lowe, Luke MacFarlane, and Balthazar Getty), there's more than enough drama, action, heartache and love to satisfy even the harshest of critics. ABC even threw in it's token gay couple, played by Matthew Rhys and Luke MacFarlane, both quite delectable! Just about everyone can relate on some level to this family. If you haven't watched it, now's the time to start. It's excellent....thoughts?
Matty - this is my favorite show on TV right now! I don't think it gets the respect it deserves and hardly anyone else I know watches it so it's so hard to gossip about. I'm so happy to hear you're a fan!