Monday, December 22, 2008
Matty's Morning Poll
Friday, December 19, 2008
Listen to This....AMAZING!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Matty's Morning Poll
Monday, December 15, 2008
Seperated at Birth....

In Case You Missed It...
Holiday Cocktail Anyone???
Friday, December 12, 2008
Christmas Poll # 3
Thursday, December 11, 2008
And Just In Case You Want a Lil' More...
On the other hand, here is an amazing version...
Worst 'O Holy Night' Rendition Ever!!!
Christmas Poll # 2
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Cool Website of the Day...
Pandora Radio
Christmas Poll # 1
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Twilight Movie Review
Courtesty of Guest Blogger Rama of Rama's Screen - An Amazing Movie Review Blog! Check it Out!
Let me just start by saying that I’ve never read the book that this movie’s based on but I now can see why teen girls everywhere go ga-ga over this. The movie itself is done in a way that it makes you feel like you’re watching…a theatrical CW network episode, it’s hard not to remember series likeSmallville or Supernatural when watching TWILIGHT. It can be cliche at times, but it’s to be expected when telling a story about high school romance with complications attached. No matter what you may say about this afterward, you know in your gut that you’ve just watched an instant teen classic.
TWILIGHT is an action-packed, modern day love story between a vampire and a human. Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) has always been a little bit different, never caring about fitting in with the trendy girls at her Phoenix high school. When her mother remarries and sends Bella to live with her father in the rainy little town of Forks, Washington, she doesn’t expect much of anything to change. Then she meets the mysterious and dazzlingly beautiful Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson), a boy unlike any she’s ever met. Intelligent and witty, he sees straight into her soul. Soon, Bella and Edward are swept up in a passionate and decidedly unorthodox romance. Edward can run faster than a mountain lion, he can stop a moving car with his bare hands – and he hasn’t aged since 1918. Like all vampires, he’s immortal. But he doesn’t have fangs, and he doesn’t drink human blood; Edward and his family are unique among vampires in their lifestyle choice. To Edward, Bella is that thing he has waited 90 years for – a soul mate. But the closer they get, the more Edward must struggle to resist the primal pull of her scent, which could send him into an uncontrollable frenzy. But what will Edward & Bella do when James (Cam Gigandet), Laurent (Edi Gathegi) and Victoria (Rachelle Lefevre), the Cullens’ mortal vampire enemies, come to town, looking for her?
To Continue Reading his review, click here...
Top Chef New York - Episode 4
So this week on Top Chef, we found celebrity chef Rocco DiSpirito whoring himself out again as a guest judge. Since his career's in the crapper and Dancing with the Stars didn't quite rocket him back into stardum, it looks like he'll take whatever gig he can get at this point.
For the elimination challenge the chefs had to make a simple dish that they could prepare during a live 2.5 minute television segment. Some did well...some crashed and burned! As part of the prize the 3 top chefs got the opportunity to cook and be judged by the gaggle of women on the Today Show. Ariane won the challenge with a quite boring salad, in my opinion, and Alex was sent packing, with his lame attempt at making a creme brulee in an hour (which is simply impossible)! Adios Amigo!
FOX's New Show Secret Millionaire

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Courtesy of the Fail Blog...
see more pwn and owned pictures
see more pwn and owned pictures
see more pwn and owned pictures
Pure HOTness!!!
Monday, December 1, 2008
One of the Funniest Skits EVER!!!
To Copy Mr. Perez Hilton...

Obama Announces National Security Team

The Big One, Not a shocker...Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State
My Favorite Food Network Chef is...
I actually like them all, but Paula is my favorite I think. Bobby is hot and super nice, Rachel is annoying but she's grown on me (and has surprisingly helpful cooking tips), and both Giata and Ina are great cooks in their own right.
Your Thoughts?